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Episode 1.243 720p |LINK|

The eighth season of Two and a Half Men premiered on September 20, 2010, and finished on February 14, 2011, and was the last season with Charlie Sheen as its main star. With 16 episodes aired, it was the shortest season of the series up to that time, although season 12 would later have the same number of half-hour programs.

Episode 1.243 720p

Many reports of Sheen partying in Las Vegas, drinking heavily, and associating with pornstars had been over the Internet from the beginning of January 2011 and CBS had expressed its concern. Early in the morning of January 27, Sheen was rushed to hospital suffering from severe abdominal pains after holding a party at his house in which he allegedly smoked crack cocaine. After being released from the hospital, Sheen checked himself into rehab, causing the show to be put on hiatus,[2] with production scheduled to resume on February 28. The season was originally ordered for 24 episodes, but due to Sheen entering rehab, the episode count was cut to 20.[3] On February 24, 2011, it was announced that the show would shut down production for the rest of the season and cancel the remaining four episodes,[4] due to Sheen making offensive comments about Chuck Lorre, the creator and lead writer of Two and a Half Men, on the February 24 edition of a radio broadcast hosted by Alex Jones.[5] On March 7, 2011, Sheen was fired from the show.[6] After much speculation over whether Sheen would return to the series after all, Lorre announced in April 2011 that he had new plans to reboot Two and a Half Men with Jon Cryer in a lead role alongside a new character. Ashton Kutcher was later hired to portray the new character, Walden Schmidt.

The episode starts with Alan handing Jake a check for a school trip. Alan becomes depressed after realizing he is broke and lonely. While Charlie heads off to Vegas (although he's really getting cosmetic surgery), Alan pretends to be him. He manages to bring home a woman (Erinn Hayes) he met at the bar, however, she knows that he isn't Charlie. She admits that she and Charlie broke up because he didn't like her role-playing games. Alan ends up going to bed with the woman, but ends up having to dress like Hitler as part of her "game."

When Courtney (last seen going to prison in "Fish in a Drawer") returns, Charlie gets back together with her. However, she takes advantage of him, making him go on limitless spending sprees for her and injuring him during sex. Eventually, Charlie realizes she is just using him and they break up. But later, after talking with Alan on the deck, Charlie decides to chase after her and get her back, crashing through the glass back door in the process. The episode ends with Courtney visiting Charlie in the hospital, and Charlie shallowly declaring his love for her again.

I kveldens episode av Luksusfellen tyr forbukerøkonomene Lene Drange og Hallgeir Kvadsheim til en noe utradisjonell løsning da de skal hjelpe 31 år gamle Tim Olaf Sannerhaugen ut av sin økonomiske krise.

Da Luksusfellen kommer på besøk til bergenseren er det i grevens tid, ifølge i forbrukerøkonomene. Til sammen hadde Tim Olaf Sannerhaugen en forbruksgjeld på 1.243.900 kroner fra 40 ulike kreditorer.

The config is below, I've been searching for solution to this but unable to find it so if hopefully someone can help.P.S. This is only for new shows that's not yet been downloaded, all the old shows with newer episode that's coming out works just fine.


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